
When Patterns Are Broken, New Worlds Emerge

The book traces the most important events in the history of the South, from before 1830 to 1965, and links them to the musical innovations within the African American community. It explores the direct connection between the bad conditions in which the black population had to survive, and the emergence of so many new forms of music. Black people's search for a better life and their willingness to integrate into American society as free citizens without giving up their own African culture, seemed to be the main drivers in the emergence of new music. This correlation is the focus of this book.
Catfish & Cotton - Drivin' Down The Blues Highway

Two brothers, Luc and Marc Borms, have traveled across the Atlantic ocean and half of a country to visit and document the Mississippi Delta. They created this guiding book that seeks to explain its culture. Catfish & Cotton gives a glimpse into this distinguishing culture. Together, the brothers, who are blues musicians themselves, looked at the experiences and lives of the Delta's natives in search of answers. What makes the Delta a place of such musical distinction, despite raw appearances, and what drives so many people to love and respect the land that gave a voice to a musical genre that most accurately reflects the human condition, the blues?
A People, Reflections on the Deep South

'A People: Reflections on the Deep South' is a bouquet for the blues that pays tribute to both the living and the dead artists associated with the music.
Marc and Luc Borms bring the reader a fresh, keen eye through their photographs that help us understand the Mississippi Delta culture. This book is full of beautiful photographs and text, reminding us that 'ordinary people' are key to understanding the blues.
Highway 61 - Reizen Door De Mississippi Delta (Dutch)

Reeds vele jaren maken bluesfans de pelgrimstocht naar de Mississippi Delta. Zij trekken langs Highway 61, de weg waarlangs talloze bluesmuzikanten vluchtten op zoek naar een beter leven in Chicago, Saint Louis of Detroit. De weg ook waar Robert Johnson op de crossroads zijn ziel verkocht aan de duivel.
Hoe komt het dat zoveel muzikale en culturele diversiteit zijn oorsprong vindt in deze arme en desolate regio? En wat brengt zoveel mensen ertoe om de Delta -de geboorteplaats van de blues- te omarmen?
Twee broers, Luc en Marc Borms, zelf bluesmuzikanten, reisden dwars door de Verenigde Staten om de Mississippi Delta te bezoeken en te documenteren. Dit boek licht een tip van de sluier op.